Friday, December 14, 2007

Ripples on the pond...

Drop some pebbles on the internet and see if fair trade sweeps beyond activist ponds.

Critical report about the challenges and risks of fair trade as a production and trade approach:

Fair to the Last Drop:
The Corporate Challenges to Fair Trade Coffee

-By Eric Holt-Giménez, Ian Bailey, and Devon Sampson of Food First - Institute of Food and Development Policy

download PDF

...At this year's United Students for Fair Trade (USFT) convergence in Boston, Massachusetts, students asked, "How will the involvement of large corporations change fair trade standards?" and "How do you get the scale and keep the values?" The activists who have been pushing Fairtrade products into their campus dining halls and cafés are now asking: how fair is Fairtrade?

Many ethical consumers and Fairtrade activists are also uncomfortable selling Fairtrade products through multinational corporations with unfair labor practices and monopolistic market power. Is Fairtrade providing a public relations cover for globalization's race to the bottom?

Well I hope fair trade is helping in Argentina, Sri Lanka, and in Dominican Republic, Peru, Paraguay and Costa Rica.

An example of a green site pushing for hope, delicious fair trade change and a greener world.

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