Friday, December 11, 2015

Coffee and chocolate and comedy

I am chocolate addicted and lactose intolerant. This caused problems when faced with fudge and Sima's suicide treats at the  Laughing Like Crazy showcase December 10, 2015 in Toronto.

Hot Chocolate Fudge Sauce
Chocolate makes me high. Thanks
I opted for the sweets and I survived so I was swollen, smiling and spiritually satisfied, . (35 s's so far...37)

I recommend the program and the performances to everyone. Absolutely everyone - at least everyone over age 12. The 8-year-old who had to hear her grandmother dropping F-bombs may have been a bit traumatized.
Crazy comedian telling jokes to celebrate 10 years of the Laughing Like Crazy Program

Check out more about the Laughing Like Crazy program
Bring some laughter to your work place because Laughing and Peer Support and laughter go together like PSL...which is an acronym that just roles off of the tongue, right? But seriously, we all know the benefits of laughing at the boss or joking about clientss. Imagine that you can help your coworker see a path forward through their problems by joking about your own experiences as a peer. BOOM all problems solved. [No guarantees that all problems will be solved].

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